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Admin dashboard documentation


The suite of tools available through IBM Quantum™ contains three levels of organization. Every job submitted to the IBM Quantum Network must be associated with a specific instance. An instance is defined by its particular combination of hub, group, and project. A hub is the top level of a given hierarchy (organization) and contains within it one or more groups. These groups are in turn populated with projects. Users can belong to more than one instance at any given time. Hubs and groups have administrators who manage people, projects, and quantum backends within groups and projects.

Instances give access to IBM Quantum services, and allow for multiple collaborators to use the same entitlements. If access must be controlled on a per-user basis, then an administrator must assign each user to their own instance.

  • Hubs: A collection of groups.
  • Groups: A set of one or more projects.
  • Projects: A set of one or more backends that project members can access. A project can only access backends already a part of its parent group.
  • Instance: A specific combination of hub, group, and project.

There are no project-level administrators. Administrators are only at the group and hub level.

Admin LevelPrivileges
Hub AdminManage users, assign backends to groups and projects, determine priority of backends at group and project level
Group AdminManage users, assign backends to projects, determine priority of backends at project level
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